- Strings, brass, woodwinds, percussion and choir of the Synchron Stage Orchestra
- Massive “tutti” recordings as well as individual ensembles and sections
- Multiple microphone positions, additional close mic positions
- Exceptional acoustics of the large Synchron Stage Vienna
- Includes the free Big Bang Orchestra: Zodiac – Supermassive Ensembles
This massive package comprises the entire universe of the Big Bang Orchestra editions, from Andromeda to Zodiac. From powerful tutti recordings to ethereal effects, from blasting brass sections to fragile woodwinds, from thunderous drums to angelic choirs – the Big Bang Orchestra Bundle provides you with an infinite treasure of orchestral sounds that lets your productions be as bold, nuanced, and sophisticated as you need, with little time and effort.
Played by the acclaimed musicians of the Synchron Stage Orchestra, recorded by Hollywood-proven engineers at Synchron Stage Vienna, and perfected by our expert team of library creators, this package truly excels in terms of sound quality, playability, versatility and realism.
The Vienna Synchron Player, our proprietary sample player, is the exclusive powerful engine for running hundreds of voices and multi-microphone recordings simultaneously. The internal mixer always delivers a perfect sound out-of-the-box, with masterfully crafted mixer presets that match across the entire series – from close to ambient, from natural to heavily processed, from stereo to surround and into immersive audio.
The Big Bang Orchestra Bundle includes these libraries:
A note on Big Bang Orchestra Bundle purchases and completions
Some Big Bang Orchestra libraries consist of samples exclusively taken from their “bigger brothers”, the large Collections of the Synchron Series. Here’s a list of these Synchron Series Collections and their Big Bang Orchestra counterparts that share the same samples:
Synchron Percussion I and II (Standard Libraries) |
Big Bang Orchestra: Phoenix |
and corresponding Sub-Collections |
Synchron Percussion I and II (Standard Libraries) |
Big Bang Orchestra: Quasar |
and corresponding Sub-Collections |
Synchron FX Strings I (Standard Library) |
Big Bang Orchestra: Regulus |
Synchron Strings Pro (Standard Library) |
Big Bang Orchestra: Tana |
Big Bang Orchestra: Ursa |
Big Bang Orchestra: Vega |
Big Bang Orchestra: Wallia |
Big Bang Orchestra: Xenia |
So when you complete the Big Bang Orchestra Bundle, these Synchron Series Libraries, if registered to you, step in to act as registered parts of the BBO Bundle.
For example, if you have registered Synchron Strings Pro, and you’re getting the Big Bang Orchestra Bundle, you don’t have to pay for and you don’t get the licenses of the BBO libraries Tana, Ursa, Vega, Wallia and Xenia since you have the entire set of samples with Synchron Strings Pro. In your list of registered products, Synchron Strings Pro acts as a placeholder for its BBO counterparts, so you have a complete BBO Bundle and get BBO: Zodiac for free.