Adam Audio , Brands , SAath

Register your Adam Audio loudspeakers

Posted On01/01/2021
Upon getting delivery of your Adam Audio monitors from, without any delay: create your user account here >> register your product serial(s), as mentioned on the hardware itself,…
Adam Audio , Brands , SAath

How to setup studio monitors?

Posted On01/01/2021
Watch these videos to get simple yet important tips on setting up your studio monitors. Also get to know the benefits of using a sub-woofer (preferably a matched-one) with your monitors. For other…
Adam Audio , Brands , SAath

Powering up sequence, Cleaning tips

Posted On01/01/2021
We recommend the following sequence for powering on your system: Step 1: Turn on PC. Once completely booted up, then turn on your AudioMixer / Sound card , Preamplifier, etc. Step 2: Turn on the…
Adam Audio , Brands , SAath

For any service or repair for Adam Audio

Posted On01/01/2021
Sudeep Audio customers - please fill this form - with your purchase invoice (pdf), and get connected to the authorised service centre(s) near you immediately. In India, the authorised service centres…