Brands , SAath , Spectrasonics

Basic FAQs for new users

Posted On13/12/2019
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1.  Where is the Spectrasonics program located?

Our instruments operate as both standalone programs/applications and as plugin instruments designed to work inside of a DAW/Sequencer/ Host.

On an Apple computer, you’ll find the standalone application in your Applications folder. On Windows, you’ll find the standalone shortcut on your desktop or in your STEAM folder. You can also use your DAW/Sequencer/Host to open Spectrasonics instruments.

2.  What is a DAW/Sequencer/Host?

A DAW is a Digital Audio Workstation, also referred to as a Sequencer or Host; example: Pro Tools, Logic, Cubase, Sonar, Ableton Live, etc.

3.  I have a DAW/Sequencer/Host.  How do I open my Spectrasonics Instrument?

We have made convenient step-by-step tutorials for using our instruments in most major DAW/Sequencer/Hosts.

For Omnisphere and Trilian, go HERE.  For Stylus RMX, go HERE.


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