Troubleshooting for Accentize
Does your software support Apple Silicon (M1/M2)?
Yes, all our commercial software can run natively on Apple Silicon. The installers are delivered as so-called universal binaries and contain native versions for Intel processors and Apple’s M1/M2 processor line.
Why do I hear clicks or audio drop-outs while using your plugins?
Due to the advanced signal processing techniques some plugins require more CPU resources which can cause audio-dropouts. We recommend setting the audio buffer-size to 1024 or better 2048 samples to prevent these issues. However, most modern machines should also handle all plugins with shorter buffer sizes – even if multiple instances are loaded.
Will the plugin also work with other DAWs than stated on the product page?
The DAWs mentioned on the product page are the official supported ones, which the software was tested with. However, many users reported that they are successfully using the plugins also with other hosts as for example Logic or Adobe Premiere. We suggest to use the free trial period to find out if the product works in your context.
Why don’t I hear any effect after loading a plugin or after re-opening a session with accentize plugins?
If you are using accentize software as trial version you will always have to open up the UI and start trial mode after loading a new plugin instance. This is also the case if you re-open a project in which accentize plugins are being used in trial mode. After purchasing and activating the plugin this won’t be necessary anymore and the plugin loads completely without having to open the UI.
Where do I find the manual for my plug-in?
The download link for the manual of each plug-in can be found on every product page next to the installer download buttons at the bottom.
I cannot find your software after installation. How can I run it?
The software comes in the form of audio plugins. This means, to run it you will need some kind of host application – a so called Digital Audio Workstation (DAW). After installation you can process audio inside this host software and load the accentize plugins. Besides common audio applications (Reaper, ProTools, Logic…) you can also use some video editing software as a host (FinalCut, Premiere…).
How can I de-install your software?
To de-install the software you need to remove the plugin files you chose to install. On MacOS the files are located at /Library/Audio/Plug-Ins or /Users/{{USERNAME}}/Library/Audio/Plug-Ins. On Windows the default location is C:\Program Files\Common Files\VST3.