Brands , SAath , Synchro Arts

How to Un-Install Synchro Arts plug-ins

Posted On09/12/2019
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On macOS

PLUG IN TYPE Delete the following files
AAX  /Library/Application Support/Avid/Audio/Plug-Ins/VocAlign6Standard.aaxplugin
AU  /Library/Audio/Plug-Ins/Components/VocAlign6Standard.component
VST /Library/Audio/Plug-Ins/VST3/VocAlign6Standard.vst3

On Windows OS

  1.   Go to Add or remove programs
  1.  Search for VocAlign 6 Standard
  1.  Select Uninstall and follow the instructions.


Locations of VocAlign 6 Standard Files

File locations in macOS

Preferences files are in




Default process settings are in

~/Library/Application Support/SynchroArts/VocALignUltra/UserPresets/VocAlign6/DefaultSettings

Recently used preset list are in

~/Library/Application Support/SynchroArts/VocALignUltra/UserPresets/VocAlign6/Recent.list

User presets are stored in

~/Library/Application Support/SynchroArts/VocALignUltra/UserPresets/VocAlign6

File locations in Windows

Preferences are stored in the registry.

User presets are stored in


Default process settings are in


Recently used preset list is in



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