sudeepaudio / SArathi

Over the past 25 years, we have created a vast amount of content (articles and videos) for both beginners as well as professional musicians and sound engineers.

SArathi is the nectar of our high-quality content organised in a step-by-step manner… from early education to retirement. Empower yourself from whatever is relevant and meaningful to you with the help of this guide.

  1. Glossary of audio and music terms… read here
  2. Folk Music of India… read here
  3. Test your music and audio skills… with fun! Play musical games here

  1. Setting up a home studio? read here
  2. Equipment selection tips… read here
  3. Buy audio equipment in India… read here
  4. Several benefits of buying original software locally from SA… read here 

  1. PA Setup basics… read here
  2. Know your sound guy… read here

  1. Basics of a cue-sheet… read here
  2. Articles on copyrights on music… read here
  3. Download your own Family Matters pdf / excel sheet for all record-keeping… get it here

  1. Basics of music publishing… read here
  2. How to register with IPRS as a self-publisher? read here
  3. Get Rebeat Digital’s Music Enterprise Software (MES) to release your song(s) globally… go here

  1. What to say or not to say on stage? read here
  2. How to get a bigger audience for your shows? read here

  1. It is no longer about the music… read here
  2. What is Indie Music? read here
  3. AI in music series… read here

  1. To buy property or to rent a space for your studio? read here
  2. The importance of having health insurance… read here
  3. An intro series on GST for artists… read here
  4. Generating other incomes on-the-side… read here
  5. How and why to maintain a sound credit score… read here